A heart of bronze, eyes that had bled blood, two pens, none mightier than a sword, a glass of dark rum and a bible beneath, ashes on my feet and dust in my hair, a foggy window and a perfectly spunned web in the sixth corner of my crib.
I have a story to tell, one of toil and of blood, one of regrets and of rue, one of bitterness as of vinegar, void of laughter and of glee.
I have a picture in mind, a portrait to paint, the oceans will all night glint the moonlight, and hell will always want the devil back even though he found a home in the most sacred of lands.
I have a song to sing, one of tears and of fury, one that gladdens the hearer and saddens the listener, one of heavy eyes and a running nose, A hundred steep hills and a million stairways towards a tomorrow that no one knows.
Pardon me if you smell the agony in my voice or you taste the betrayal in my words, but I stayed up all night seeking for these answers.
If this life was for sale, on wat tag would I place its price?
if this life was for sale, how many people would even bid to buy?
I stayed up all night and sought for a purpose, a purpose for this life I couldn't find…
The preacher man says the end is nigh, but all the while, I was ignorant, still seeking rubies from mines. Poisoned by the bushes in which I hid from the light. Been through the dark corridors of humanity calling out to happiness and realising she had been deaf from birth.
A black code hidden behind the portrait on the wall, a futile living where darkness was a virtue and the heart was full of wrongs, old men without teeth stranded and without love, I had seen it all…
Its how I feel, the life I had led is nothing I am proud of
Ice coloured shivers down my spine, hunted by those moments I had kept hidden all the while, like a thousand bounty hunters after a defenceless prize., a solemn song, soaked in a sorrowful rhythm, no more need to lie.
Life is a bitch.
They say I took advantage of her love, I say she took advantage of my innocence.
If only I could fix the past, if making her happy didn't finally leave me sad…
The sky is dark and my days are grey and there's nobody here to lift the clouds away-
All is regret
Its how I feel, its the life I had led, Nothing to be proud of…
Joey is an engineering student from UNIBEN, a pianist, a vocal pro,and as depicted above, A WRITER!!!
You can hit him up on Instagram @Inah_official
Editor's note: This left me... It's ... No words. I saw a man's past and present, a predictable future plus he's sad he didn't really live for himself. I could only think of a depressed soldier when looking for a featured image for this, beautiful piece.
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