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Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Clowns from Mars Eps5

Clowns from Mars Eps5.

A white bus entered a crowed garage. It moved forward slowly. Two men were struggling to direct the car so it would be park in the right place. They both acted like they knew the driver. Their gesture and sign language looked familiar to the driver. After the car had come to a full stop. The two men broke through the traders that had briskly engulfed the bus and they reached the driver. He delivered something into their hands and they left the bus happily.
"Who be that" pa Zach yelled as he noticed two people coming out his bus through the window.
He pushed open his door angrily and he yelled walking towards Fosa and kelvin.
"Unah no fit wait ma'ah I open door."
"Will you now beat us." Fosa replied confidently. He turned around and kelvin followed him as they moved towards the trunk of the bus.
"Driver!!!! ....Driver!!! come open door oooo" Some one screamed from inside the bus. "Driver you wan fry us." Another person yelled. "Driver oooo".
The complains didn't stop until the driver went over to help his passengers out.
Kelvin and Fosa stood on their balls awaiting pa Zach to open up his truck so they would get their luggage and then vanish. But to where?
The driver had gone and everyone that came with the car had also vanished. Kelvin and Fosa stood in the garage as the rain poured down heavily. The whole of the crowd where squeezing themselves under the small roof so the rain won't touch them.
"Hey. Do you have a plan. Or are we going to be sleeping on people's roof tonight." Kelvin whispered.
"Yea. Remember Deji"
"Yes. I do. The stock fish seller's son."
"Goat!! Our friend in high school. He stays here in Lagos."
"Is he here to pick us" Kelvin asked again.
Fosa was struggling for his breathe. Seems someone had just spoiled the air.
"Thunder will fire that person yansh ooooo" A fat woman cursed and soon the whole atmosphere went on fire. Every one except Fosa and kelvin were busy making a -hmmmm- -hmmmmmm- sound.
"I wrote his number from my contact book at home." fosa replied as he managed to cough.
"Let's call him" Kelvin said again impatiently.
"I have the paper in my pants." Fosa replied angrily now he was out of where he had been squeezed. He was formerly trapped in between two fat woman's mighty bus. They both didn't care about who was listening to their conversation.

Two women sat outside an half plastered house with a falling roof. They both were on a long bench, having tied a rapper on their chest. They looked sad and their face were hard like one who was mourning.
Two old men came out of the house with the aid of a third leg. They supported their weight on a walking stick as they looked at the two woman. They both shook their heads and they looked at themselves, then they sighed.
"We would definitely look into this." One of the men said, removing is cap from his head, sliding it in between his armpit.
"No one can kill pa Joseph and go scot free. I will have the king summon everybody who went to the farm today for questioning." The other man said. His thick mustache moved rhythmically as he spoke.
"And every one who left the village with Pa Zach" He added.


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